About IRIS

Institutional Research, Innovation, & Strategy (IRIS) was launched in July 2009, though many of the functions performed by the office have been in place at Notre Dame for many years.

Our Mission

Contribute strategic insight and act as trusted counsel to senior University leaders/University leadership, enabling Notre Dame to fulfill its mission of education, research, and scholarship informed by its Catholic character.

Our Vision

Challenge perspectives and act as a catalyst to advance Notre Dame’s strategic priorities.  Strengthen connections between units and illuminate information that deepens understanding and addresses University-wide questions.

Our Goals

  1. Proactively engage with partners across the University and higher education to highlight and address challenging questions of institutional significance in order to make Notre Dame a more strategic and innovative university.
  2. Connect people with relevant data and information that enables them to address strategic opportunities and challenges.
  3. Leverage the power of evolving techniques, tools, and processes to enhance the capabilities of IRIS and increase its efficiency and effectiveness.
  4. Support Notre Dame’s stewardship of University resources by collaborating with campus partners to align resources with the highest priorities while enhancing services to campus.
  5. Deliver core IRIS services to the University in a more effective and efficient manner.

Our Structure


University President Direct Reports
