Survey Program & Services


Survey research is one of the most effective ways to learn about the student experience, inform decision-making, and seek continuous feedback from important university constituents. Institutional Research, Innovation, & Strategy (IRIS) administers major institutional surveys and supports administrative survey activity on campus in alignment with University priorities.

View the University of Notre Dame Survey Guidelines.

IRIS' Core Survey Program:

  • IRIS is responsible for the administration of multi-institutional consortium surveys of entering freshmen and graduating seniors to Notre Dame students. Consortium surveys allow the University to receive comparative data from peer institutions and examine our performance and trends in the context of a larger higher-education community.
  • We also conduct a core of regular internal surveys of enrolled students, faculty, and staff, as well as alumni, parents, and friends to assess educational outcomes and engagement and obtain feedback on campus climate and services.

Institutional survey findings are shared with the University’s decision-makers to inform assessment and strategic planning. We also make relevant survey data available to administrative units that are directly engaged in educational programming, residential life, student activities, and campus services.

IRIS Support for Campus Surveys:

In addition to the core surveys, we periodically conduct other survey studies to support administrative units in their assessment efforts and provide population samples for approved research involving Notre Dame students, faculty, and staff. The capacity to support these surveys is determined in consultation with the client.

If you are interested in requesting a survey, please complete the new survey request form.

Data security and confidentiality:

Survey research undertaken and supported by our office follows strict guidelines for the protection of survey participants. Survey data are stored in secure environments, and no individually identifiable information can be reported. Please consult Access to Survey Data for additional information.

For additional questions, please contact Adrea Hernandez, Executive Director, Institutional Research.
